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What Does Is a Doula?

What is a doula?

A doula is a trained professional who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to a mother before, during and shortly after childbirth to help her achieve the healthiest, most satisfying experience possible. 


What does a doula do?

Doula is a greek word meaning a woman who serves or caregiver. A doula is someone who provides non-medical support to the birthing person and their husband or partners before during and shortly after childbirth. Doulas provides unbiased, evidence-based information so the family can make the best choice regarding pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period. They will help with a birth plan and facilitate communication with care providers to ensure you have a voice throughout your birthing process. A doula provides physical support in the form of massaging, breathing techniques, and suggestions for different positions during labor to name a few, they always stay in close proximity to the laboring person.
Why Hire a doula?
Numerous studies have shown that having a doula present during labor has many benefits including reducing the chances of a cesarean section, the need for pitocin to augment labor as well as a decrease in the need for pain medication such as an epidural not to mention cutting labor time by 2 hours on average.
What about my husband/partner if I hire a doula?
Doulas never take the place of the husband or partners she is there as an additional member of the birth team. A husband or partner is usually not very knowledgeable in labor and childbirth and most often prefer to enjoy the delivery without having the stress of being responsible for everything while their partner is in labor. A doula helps alliviate some stress and added pressure while allowing the husband or partners to be able to take breaks, nap, eat and be in the moment. A doula can also encourage the husband or partners  to use techniques that will bring the laboring person comfort if they decide they want to take a more active role in the labor process.
"My husband (partner) is my left hand and my doula is my right." – from Doulas Making a Difference
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